The finest gunstocks, burls, slabs, and wood around!
Photo Jun 25, 9 30 29 AM.jpg

"You Should See What We Saw"

Watch us on National Geographic  "Filthy Riches" every Wednesday! 
 #witthardwoods  #filthyriches

 We now have T-Shirts available for sale - click on the shop link!
 Get yours before they sell out!!

Witt Hardwoods specializes in buckeye burl, english walnut gunstocks from exhibition grade to standard grade, walnut burl and clusters, slabs for furniture, signs, or whatever you need, as well as, turning blocks for bowls, scales for knives, pistols, or whatever your heart desires. We also design bars, restaurants, wineries, kitchens, and furniture.

Quality control and customer service is of the utmost importance, each layout is placed looking for the best grain flow to produce to you the highest quality blank. Bass Pro Shops, Keman Arms, Dakota Arms, and many other major manufacturers and custom gunsmiths are a few companies we have supplied to.

We can custom cut any size and dimension for your needs!

                     Friend us on Facebook!
Find us on instagram: @witthardwoods


It is now walnut burl season! We have huge inventory of California Buckeye burl available!
Let us help you find what you need!